Passion Fruit

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Passion fruit rich in vitamin C, there are a lot of good effects and is often processed into delicious desserts, cool.
Passion fruit is a fruit not only helps cooling, it also has great utility to help destroy cancer cells, improve vision and prevent infection, useful in the treatment of anemia, heart health benefit vessels, helps to relax, as well as reduce the symptoms of insomnia, …

It has been proven in full passion fruit source of vitamins A and C, iron, potassium and other nutritional components as well as biologically active and beneficial to health. Passion fruit seeds are a great source of fiber, the main grain of rice surrounded mucus makes lemon scented special.
Lemon juice can help prevent the growth of cancer cells by substances phytochemical compounds found in fruit rice. Phenolic acids and flavonoids have in preventing cardiovascular disease and fight infection. The water-soluble substances and are soluble antioxidant effect cells, enhance immunity, anti-aging. Passion fruit contains simple sugars, help increase stamina but not harmful for diabetics. Passion fruit is a source of vitamins and fiber to help increase health without causing obesity. Passion fruit containing plant sterol compounds should not raise blood cholesterol. Passion also has a sedative effect, relieve pain, reduce stress, headache, high blood pressure, feisty women in the postmenopausal period. With difficulty sleeping, drinking lemon water before bed will help relax is easier to find a quiet sleep. Passion is listed as hypothermia sedative drugs very well and have been formulated into tablet form.

Because passion fruit seeds are a source of dietary fiber and it is not necessary to remove particles when drinking. It helps to cure constipation and laxative. Every day 1-2 result, the phase of 1-2 cups as well. Moderate doses, passion fruit does not cause any side effects.